Starting a Possession

Starting a Possession.

Game skills are the first tokens to be placed in-the-game at the start of each possession (after any kick that may have occurred). The offense and defense can place their game skills without regard to who places their token first.

Possession skills are placed in-the-game after the game skills. The offense goes first by choosing a token from their bench and placing it in-the-game. The defense observes the offense's skill, chooses a token from their bench and places it in-the-game.

After all game and possession skills have been placed in-the-game (4 total tokens counting both teams), the teams can then start picking and placing play-cards. Game and possession skills do not change during a possession.

Play skills are placed in-the-game before a snap. The offense and defense can each place one play skill in-the-game before any given play. If each team places a play skill in-the-game then the defense play skill should be resolved first followed by the offense play skill.
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