Standard and Special Rules

Standard rules provide quick easy game-play.  Use special rules to add new layers to the game-play with "Audible", "No Huddle", "Final 2:00", and "Injury". Solitaire provides for one-player game-play and can be used only with standard rules.

Standard Rulebook


Sixteen page rulebook covering the rules for basic game-play. The quick-start-guide at the front should be all you need to start playing with the subsequent pages providing a detailed reference.  Includes visual aids of play card functionality and the use of the clear down-and-distance markers.

The RedBlue and OrangeGrey rulebooks are not materially different.

Download RedBlue Rulebook Download OrangeGrey Rulebook

Special Offense Rules


Want to change the offense play at the line-of-scrimmage?

Use the Audible special offense skill to let you place two offense play-cards with the same personnel face-down. The defense then places their play-card face-down. The offense then picks which play-card to use and removes the other one (returning it to their stack of play-cards). Fliip the cards over to see the outcome. It’s that easy!

The offense can use its 12 play-cards and the defense can use its 12 play-cards for the entire possession.

No Huddle

Did you like the personnel match-up on the last play?

Use the No Huddle special offense skill on offense to prevent personnel changes. Just announce No Huddle and freeze your offense and their defense personnel from the prior play. It's that easy!

The offense can use its 4 play-cards and the defense can use its 4 play-cards during No Huddle. Both have full use of their 12 play-cards before and after No Huddle.

Special Defense Rules


Want to simulate the impact of an injury in your game-play?

Use the Injury special defense skill to choose and eliminate one of your opponent's three offense personnel groups for one possession. At the start of the possession, the offense must set-aside the four offense play-cards from the eliminated personnel group (as selected by the defense).

The offense has the remaining two personnel groups (eight play-cards) to choose from during this possession. These eight play-cards are available for the entire possession (no discarding).

The offense can use its 8 play-cards and the defense can use its 12 play-cards for the entire possession.

Final 2:00

Want to add the pressure of a ticking game clock to the end of the game?

Use the Final 2:00 special defense skill to limit your opponent's last possession on offense to eight plays. At the start of the possession, the offense must select eight offense play cards to use during the possession and set-aside the other four play-cards.

After each play the offense discards the offense play-card used on that play. If the offense still has possession after the eighth play-card is discarded then they may choose to punt, attempt a field-goal, or simply turn over possession to the defense.

The offense starts the possession with 8 play-cards and ends the possession with none. The defense can use its 12 play-cards for the entire possession.

Skills Rules

Skills Guidebooks

The four-page 4on4 Booklet provides an introduction to Skills with an intermediate level of game-play.

The thirty-two page Skills Guide provides all of the details you will need for including Skills in your advanced game-play.

Download 4on4 Booklet Download Skills Guide



Solitaire provides for single-player game-play.

Offense and defense play-selection spreadsheets function as proxies for the opposing player. Set the style of your opponent at the start of the game by choosing various tendencies (personnel, run versus pass, aggressive versus conservative, etc.). Situational information is limited to fourth down to permit fast and easy game-play.

Download and try the Solitaire Beta. Use a desktop or laptop for the Offense and Defense files for best results.

Download Solitaire Guide (Beta) Download Solitaire Offense (Beta) Download Solitaire Defense (Beta)

Huron725 Solitaire

John R is a fan of Fliip and we appreciate that very much. He has created an excellent solitaire spreadsheet which we appreciate even more! John's Solitaire is set up for different styles of teams and incorporates situational awareness of the down-and-distance. Thanks John!

Go to the Board Game Geek webpage to download Huron725's Solitaire for Fliip.

Go To BGG Download Page

Coach's Clipboards

The Coach’s Clipboards have lots of cool extra information about strategy, play selection, offense and defense play sheets, situational play calling, and statistics of the game. The companion play charts illustrate the outcomes for each offense play.

Red Coach’s Clipboard

Blue Coach’s Clipboard

Orange Coach’s Clipboard

Grey Coach’s Clipboard

Score Sheet

Download and print this file if you need extra score sheets.

Score Sheet

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